Article by – March 2018 – The #MeToo movement brought to light countless horror stories of sexual harassment in the workplace. Now, as more and more women come forward to share their painful experiences of mistreatment from coworkers, bosses, and other would-be professionals, we begin to question if any place is truly safe. But as we are inundated with more terrible stories every day, it’s worth highlighting upstanding employers that are doing it right. Companies like Alabama’s own Intuitive Research and Technology Corporation (INTUITIVE) prove that it is possible to nurture happy, productive workplace environments where women are empowered to lead and succeed.
Empowerment at INTUITIVE, the aerospace engineering and analysis firm based in Huntsville, means more than simply hiring a few more women. The award-winning company takes an active role in providing resources to help women advance their careers, ensuring that a strong code of ethics and values undergird the culture that employees share. INTUITIVE has placed respect and trust at the center of their company philosophy—not just in their relationships with customers, but with one another as well. They know that in order for the team to do its absolute best, each member must feel free to explore their full potential.

Vergenia Shelton
Security Means Success
For a company to truly excel, the people running it—at every level—must excel, too. How could this ever be accomplished in a hostile environment? Vergenia Shelton, President at INTUITIVE, knows that when she and her employees feel safe, they are free to focus on the important matters. “I believe workplace appropriateness is so critical because employees need a safe and fair environment to do their jobs so that they can concentrate on doing the best job possible,” Shelton says. “Our founders did a fabulous job of laying the foundation for a professional, appropriate workplace and work culture.”
A large part of this foundation is the Open Door Policy at INTUITIVE. Donna Meadows, Senior Vice President, explains that it is always the company’s practice “to provide an atmosphere that will encourage employees to feel free to express themselves to supervisors and to the management of INTUITIVE without fear of reprisal or retaliation.” Employees are encouraged to bring any issues to the HR Department for “open dialog about things that matter,” meaning that problems and concerns will be heard and resolved with fairness. Meadows is grateful for her time spent in this environment: “Working in a safe place (where I don’t have to worry about all the things we hear about in the news) has allowed me to focus on my career and to excel as a leader.”

Donna Meadows
Mentoring that Matters
INTUITIVE is set apart by a spirit of ambition and growth that is developed from within; everyone here is encouraged to follow their own path and is supported in their dreams. “Whether it’s working on a huge proposal or having a baby,” Meadows assures, “you are supported here.” Shelton, too, recalls that the path to her position as President was bolstered by mentorship and support “every step of the way.” Once she decided she set her sights on her goal, she says, “Many leaders helped mentor me; our co-founder and Chairman of the Board, and President at the time, really stepped in and worked with me to sharpen my leadership skills and prepare me for the position I hold today.” INTUITIVE promotes from within, giving its employees opportunities for advancement and preparing them to do so in whatever way they can.
And while many women feel they have to fight the tide in traditionally male-dominated fields, INTUITIVE employees have plenty of female mentors. Forty-four percent of managerial roles at INTUITIVE are held by women, an extremely encouraging figure. “Women are recognized for the expertise and skills they bring to the position they hold,” Meadows says. She explains that the company demonstrates a mode of operation which “sends the message that our employees, regardless of gender, are encouraged to grow in their careers.”
Knowledge is Power
One of the resources of which INTUITIVE is most proud is their Education Assistance program, which offers generous tuition reimbursement and opportunities for advancement. The company places a huge emphasis on professional development, and, as Shelton explains, “puts a lot of focus on offering multiple certifications and training avenues so that every employee has an opportunity to increase their skills. We want our employees to be the best they can be.” INTUITIVE sees this continuous education as an investment in their employees and encourages the desire to attain an advanced degree or certification by providing the resources needed to accomplish that goal.
“We all have different paths that we take to get to where we are today,” says Meadows of the support she received as she paved her way to becoming Senior Vice President; “My path was long, but with patience and hard work I worked my way up the corporate ladder.” She adds, “We are constantly searching for ways to help employees succeed and follow their goals and dreams in their career. I am a true testament to this.” As long as employees are passionate and ready to work hard, INTUITIVE provides avenues for advancement without the traps and pitfalls many women fear they must tread lightly to avoid. Equal opportunity is not just a fine-print legal requirement here—it is a virtue.
Family Values
“When you are part of the INTUITIVE team, you are proud,” Meadows asserts. “It means you have a corporate family that stands beside you personally and professionally.” INTUITIVE takes this role seriously. Whether it is providing Flu Leave for employees who are sick or caring for someone with the flu or developing a process to ensure that no one goes home without pay during a government shutdown, INTUITIVE takes care of its employees like a family. And when the team feels like family, they also feel safe; the care and quality of work improves with this sense of pride and security. “Not everyone gets to come to work every day and work with others who are team players,” Shelton says. “We really do have a great culture and work environment and it truly feels like a privilege to work here.”
“We like to say that life at INTUITIVE is governed, not by a heavy hand, but by an appeal to our highest values,” says Meadows. “We practice positive values and we are open and honest with one another.”
INTUITIVE’s work certainly has paid off. Even after being recognized by Fortune and Great Places to Work as a Top 100 Best Workplace for Women, they continue to strive to set the bar for other companies to step up and do right by their female employees, and in turn, everyone. As they celebrate accomplishments and uplift the special contributions of each employee, they send a message to the rest of us: there are still supportive, upstanding companies out there, dedicated to ethical excellence—and they do succeed.